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Some Aspects of Prophet Muhammad's (pbuh) Life

by Nancy Ali

He could have been the King of all Arabia, but he declined. He was offered all of the wealth of Arabia, but he couldn't be bought. The mission which was to he undertaken by this outstanding Messenger was far superior to the material offerings of the then Pagan Arabs. Muhammad's life from his birth to his Prophethood was governed by simplicity. His childhood was saddened by the death of his parents, then by the death of his grandfather who took charge of him. He was left to the care of his uncle, Abu Talib who became so infatuated with Muhammad (PBUH) that he took care of him as though he were his own child. He was known to his family, friends and acquaintances as "Al- Amin" (the truthful). His upright character combined with the Simplicity of his desert existence prepared and strengthened him for a task which none other than Muhammad (PBUH) would be suited for, that of receiving the last and final message from God and the Seal of Prophethood. At the age of 40, his first revelation was imparted to him through Angel Gabriel in a Cave called "Hira" where Muhammad (PBUH spent many of his days and nights trying to discover the truth about the existence of God, for he knew that the way of his people was not the proper way of submission. In the Pre-Islamic days, the Kaba of Mecca, which is now the House of the One, True God was filled with idols. The Pagans used to visit Mecca and pray to these idols in the hope that they would intercede to God in their behalf. Muhammad (PBUH), despondent over these hopeless attempts prayed to God for guidance. His prayers were answered when on one occasion the Angel appeared to Muhammad and delivered the first message or (Surah) of the Holy Quran, the contents of which are as follows: Qur'an, Chap- 96, Vs. 1-5; "Read in the name of your Lord, the Creator, Who created man of a clot of blood. Read! Your Lord is most gracious. It is He who taught man by the pen that which he does not know." From that second on and for the remainder of his life, his dedication was devoted strictly to imparting the Message of the "Holy Qur'an" to all with Whom he came in contact. His mission was two-fold; first that of delivering the "Message" and second, the implementation of the Divine Guidance into his daily life as an example to mankind. He left no stone unturned. The "Holy Qur'an" is the "code" and Muhammad is its life. As every verse was revealed, it was immediately put into production by Muhammad (PBUH). This resulted in an inimitable religious and socio-political way of life which complimented the laws sent down to us by God in the Holy Qur'an. Though Muhammad (PBUH) was a Messenger of God, he did not leave the world but to the contrary became an integral part of it. He was husband, father, grandfather, businessman, leader, organizer, motivator, mediator, and educator and indeed most successful in all of the above. He was loved by all who knew him to the extent that even the Meccans who at times attempted to Hi him felt deeply enough that they oftentimes presented to him very attractive offers if he would be willing to stop the spread of Islam. His trustworthiness was so great that the Jews of Medina and the Christians would keep their money with him realizing that with Muhammad (PBUH) there was no need to worry. Muhammad spent his life in love and respect for others. His intelligence and ability to concentrate and listen attentively to anyone, who spoke to him, gained for him trust even between one tribe and another. He spoke very little and observed much. His anger was always sublimated and his loyalty had no boundaries. He loved to do good and was charitable, hospitable and friendly, as well as resolved and strong willed. He never claimed to be more than what he was, the last Messenger of God. He spoke oftentimes of his death and mortality and emphasized time and again that no one was to worship him and only God alone-deserved worship. He so ingrained this message into his followers that his closest companion, Abu Bakr followed through with this on the day of the Prophet's death. When he came to announce this sad news to the Muslims he said, "O Men, if you have been worshipping Muhammad, then know that Muhammad is dead. But if you have been worshipping God, then know that God is living and never dies." Even though his physical being is no longer with us, the most important part of him remains. This is his personal conduct, which by the Grace and Mercy of God was also preserved in books written by Muhammad's companions. These are referred to as "Hadith" or Traditions of the Prophet. There are several complete books, which encompass a way of life from waking in the morning to sleeping at night. His life was so close to perfect, this is the reason we can say again that Muhammad is the "life of the Qur'an. " May God's peace and blessings be upon him!

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